Job Interviews |
Common Interview Questions: Time when you’ve worked with a difficult person
How to answer the common interview question “tell me about a time when you’ve worked with a difficult person or coworker”.
Basic Interview Etiquette
Going back to basics, this post is going to cover standard interview etiquette. This is etiquette that applies across industries and regardless of what level job you’re interviewing for.
The rules of dressing for an interview
In this post I’ll share some basic rules of dressing for an interview that apply across all industries and dress codes. Follow these basic do’s and don’ts.
How many questions to ask at the end of a job interview
Everyone will tell you that it’s important to ask questions at the end of an interview, but how many questions should you really ask? Here’s my opinion – ask 1-3 questions and make sure they’re good ones!
When deciding on a job offer, factor in the people
When deciding on a job offer you should factor in many things: the work environment, the job, the compensation… but don’t forget to factor in the people.