Job Applications

Reasons why you’re not hearing back after applying for a job

There are three main reasons why you’re not hearing back after applying for a job. See what they are, and what you can do to change that!

,   |  March 22, 2013

Tips to make your job search efficient (and enjoy your free time)

4 tips to make your job search efficient (and enjoy your free time). Set goals, create a routine, apply strategically, and keep yourself organized.

  |  March 1, 2013

Should you apply if you don’t meet the job qualifications

If you just miss hitting the job qualifications should you still apply? Do you have a shot?

  |  February 19, 2013

How to choose good references

A post on how to choose good references. Keep them professional, positive, and relevant and you’ll be good to go!

  |  February 7, 2013

How to write a cover letter

This post is about how to write a cover letter, what’s important, what’s not, and we’ll give you a template to follow.