Job Searching

,   |  January 27, 2014

Cold email etiquette

When used the right way, a cold email can be very effective in your job search. The Prepary shares 5 tips on cold email etiquette.

,   |  January 9, 2014

3 ways LinkedIn can help you get a job

LinkedIn can and will help you get a job (if you know how to leverage it). Here are a few ways it can be a big asset in your job search.

  |  January 7, 2014

What companies look for in their summer interns

Having recruited many summer interns in the past, I wanted to share what companies really look for in their summer interns. Here are 4 important qualities that all good interns have.

  |  January 2, 2014

Kick off your job search in 2014

Something about the new year makes people start to think about fresh starts. If that means considering a new job, here’s a post to kick off your job search.

  |  December 4, 2013

The holidays & your job search

The holiday season is upon us, but the job search must go on!