Job Searching |
Should you apply if you don’t meet the job qualifications
If you just miss hitting the job qualifications should you still apply? Do you have a shot?
How to choose good references
A post on how to choose good references. Keep them professional, positive, and relevant and you’ll be good to go!
Career Fair Etiquette – 5 Helpful Tips
There are rules and protocol you’ll need to follow to make a positive impression at a career fair. Find out some of the basics of career fair etiquette.
Why I like giving job search advice
A post about why I like giving job search advice, why I think it’s important, and how it can help you as a candidate.
How to use Glassdoor in your job search
New technology is making the job search easier and more transparent than ever before. One really incredible resource is For those of you who aren’t as familiar with Glassdoor, here’s a quick post about how to use it as a resource during your job search.