Job Searching

,   |  July 28, 2015

Career to do: Ask for a LinkedIn Recommendation

Here’s the scoop on why LinkedIn recommendations are the modern job recommendation letter, and how you should ask for one.

  |  July 6, 2015

The scoop: brand ambassador programs and remote internships

Brand ambassador programs and remote internships are a great way to gain relevant experience while you’re in school.

The two most common salary questions in the job search

The two most common salary questions in the job search and how to answer them without shooting yourself in the foot!

  |  June 1, 2015

5 qualities that make amazing summer interns

Here are 5 key qualities that make amazing summer interns.

,   |  May 26, 2015

Graduated without a job? 3 things you should do today

If you’ve recently graduated without a job in hand, here are 3 super impactful things you can start doing today!