Job Searching

  |  May 4, 2015

Why job searching is like dating (part 2 of 3)

Another reason job searching is like dating… it always makes sense to be yourself (the best possible version of course!)

  |  April 27, 2015

Why job searching is like dating – part 1 of 3

Sometimes it feels like job searching is a lot like dating. One similarity… it only takes one (aka: one job that’s the perfect fit, to end the process for good).

,   |  April 14, 2015

Company reached out after I accepted another offer

What do you do if a company you applied to reaches out to you after you’ve already accepted another offer? Hint: it pays to be polite!

, ,   |  April 7, 2015

The 3 steps to a successful job search

Follow these 3 steps to lead a successful job search. Putting in the effort truly pays off!

,   |  March 3, 2015

May Graduates: When to start applying for jobs

Today we answer a common question amongst college seniors – when is the right time to start applying for jobs?